Investment Management



Larchmont Wealth Advisors works with each client to mutually define an investment policy guideline that takes into consideration both the risk that the client is willing to take and the risk that they need to take to achieve their goals. If we determine that your tolerance for risk is low, we would rather see you make an adjustment to your financial goals than try to force you to be more aggressive to reach them. At the end of the day when markets are tough, you need to be positioned in a way that is suitable to your personality.

Our portfolios are billed based on a percentage of assets under management. We do not receive commissions, nor do we receive any benefits for selecting one investment over another. The investments we choose are done so on the basis of their various characteristics, including size, cost, opportunities for diversification, performance history, current valuation levels, and other factors.

Every investor has different needs and our firm is structured to be flexible and responsive to those needs.

It is important to remember that investments can lose value, that past performance is not indicative of future results, and that no one can predict the future. If they can, they are doing a very nice job of hiding it!

A contact form is provided below, or you can e-mail us or call 978-505-6044 to learn more.



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